Now you're a leader -- Boss or catalyst -- Navigating the transition to leadership -- Your leadership brand -- Leadership is a conversation -- Your five-step conversation road map -- Nothing else matters unless you get results -- Hiring and selecting the best -- What your boss really wants from you -- Engagement and retention -- Meetings -- Coaching -- Feedback fundamentals -- Handling difficult employee situations -- Delegation -- Performance management -- You and your network -- Influence -- Woman's first leadership job -- Leadership changes the world.
How newly-promoted leaders can effectively transition from employee to boss. Development Dimensions International (DDI) is one of the world's largest training companies, offering unprecedented management training to 150,000 people annually. Now, a team of their leaders has collaborated to bring business professionals ... a mix of research, stories, and practical tips ... helps prepare newly-promoted leaders to succeed in their roles. It covers the major transitional challenges faced by a newly-appointed leader and trusted data that indicates how well a frontline leader is handling these challenges. Additionally, it introduces the two key roles for a frontline leader, and offers advice on the skills needed for each role.